This Leave & License Agreement is made in Lucknow on this and effective from between R/o (here in after referred to as the “Licensor” which term shall include his/her legal representatives, nominees and assignees etc.) of the First Part.

Adhar No:
Licensee Pan No:
Mobile No:-
Email id:-


R/o (here in after referred to as the “Licensee “which expression shall mean and include their executors and assignees) of the Second Part.

Licensee Pan No.:
Mobile No:
Adhar No:
Email ID:

WHEREAS the Licensor is the owner and is in possession of Unit No whereas the Licensee has requested and has approached the Licensor for hiring the said premises on License and whereas the Licensor has agreed to give on License the aforesaid premises with effect from and the Licensee has also agreed to take on License the aforesaid premises on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned.


WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to record into writing the said terms and conditions. now therefore this Agreement witnesseth, and it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:-


  1. That the License in respect of the aforesaid premises shall commence with effect from and shall be in force for a period of 11 (Eleven) months i.e. up to . The lock in period shall be for months i.e.
  2. That the Licensee will use the aforesaid premises for with rules & regulations of
  3. That the Licensee has agreed to pay the Licensor a License Fee of Rs. & maintenance per month for the aforesaid premises every month in advance on or before the 7th day of each English calendar month through online electronic transfer or by account payee cheque..
  4. That the licensee has paid Rs. as interest free security deposit and tow month license fee i.e. Rs. Total amounting Rs. .
  5. Security deposit amount Rs. to be refunded to the licensee on termination or earlier determination of the Leave and License agreement. The security deposit shall not be adjusted against License fee. This amount shall only be refunded within 30 days after the actual vacant physical possession of the demised premises is handed over to the licensor. Any dues of whatsoever nature payable by the licensee, or damages if any of any type whatsoever kind done to fixtures, fittings, to the floor or civil structure, glass panes, doors, sanitary fittings, lights, fan etc. shall be adjusted by the licensor from the said security deposit after the time of handing over actual vacant possession of the said premises by the licensee. Deduction of all expenses towards damages, wear, tear and pending bills of electricity, pipe gas and water (If any) at the time of vacation of the said premises. Normal wear and tear due to time period of license will not be deducted from the security deposit. Further, one month deposit i.e. Rs. shall be adjusted towards the arrears of one month license fee and one month license fee i.e. Rs. shall be refunded on the physical possession of the vacant unit.
  6. The Licensee shall not sub-license the said premises in part or whole to anybody else. This Leave & License agreement is revocable and non-transferable one.
  7. That the Licensee undertakes to abide by all rules and regulations, laws, bye-laws of the local authorities as applicable to said premises and to carry out and obey all lawful orders or directions issued by the said authorities, Government and other local bodies.
  8. That the Licensee after taking over all sanitary, electrical and other fittings and fixtures, one AC in good working and clean conditions as per jointly signed list enclosed shall be responsible to hand them over in similar good working and clean condition at the end of the said period of Leave & License Agreement.
  9. That the Licensor shall be entitled to or his/her authorized representatives shall be entitled to enter the aforesaid premises for inspection at all reasonable time as and when necessary, with prior intimation.
  10. That all repairs & routine maintenance relating to electric fittings unit, water taps, leakages, drains blockage etc. shall be carried out by the Licensee at his/her own cost.
  11. That the Licensee shall not carry out any structural additions or alterations in the said premises, but can install electrical appliances as may be deemed necessary by the Licensee at their own expenses and cost.
  12. That the Licensor shall pay all taxes levied including property tax and maintenance charges in respect of the aforesaid premises to the concerned authority.
  13. That the Licensee/Occupant shall pay regularly bills for electricity consumption, water charges, pipe line gas (as applicable) during said period according to the bills received directly from the concerned local authority. The original receipts of payment shall be handed over to the Licensor.
  14. That this Leave & License is a personal privilege given to the Licensee to use the Licensed premises for the purpose aforesaid. It does not confer on the Licensee any right to assign in any manner the said privilege to any person.
  15. That the effective and legal possession of the Licensed premises shall remain with the Licensor and the grant of this Leave & License shall not confer or be deemed to have ever conferred on the Licensee any right, title or interest whatsoever (whether in the nature of an easement or otherwise) in the Licensed Premises or any part thereof in favour of the Licensee and nothing herein contained shall be deemed to create any right of tenancy or any other right in favour of the Licensee in the Licensed Premises.
  16. The Licensor doth hereby declares and warrants that the property was not acquired by him/her/it/them either directly or indirectly, out of any proceeds or moneys in contravention of the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. Licensee will use unit parking along with club lobby.
  17. That the Licensee shall vacate and handover the vacant and physical possession of the said premises to the licensor on the termination of this leave and license agreement, failing which the licensee shall be liable to bear and pay a penalty of Rs.1000/- per day in addition to the monthly license fee up to handover of actual physical possession of the property.
  18. Upon expiry of this Leave & License agreement, if both parties desire and mutually agree then new License can be issued by the licensor for a period of 11 (eleven) months with minimum % increase in monthly License fee.
  19. The Licensee will not carry out any illegal or immoral activity in the Studio Suit hereby Licensed. Any activity carried on in the said premises barred by law will initiate termination of this Leave & License agreement without serving any prior notice to the lessee.
  20. This Leave & License agreement may be terminated by the Licensee at any time by giving to the Licensor a written notice of one calendar month and similarly by Licensor by giving to the Licensee a written notice of one calendar month. The last month of the tenancy shall be deemed to be notice period on part of both the parties.
  21. The violation of any of the terms & conditions of this Leave & License agreement shall result in its “immediate” (without prior notice) termination.
  22. The parties have represented to each other that they are fully empowered under the law to execute this Leave & License Agreement.
  23. Licensee and Licensor fully agree to all terms and conditions as listed in this Leave & License Agreement which they formally confirm by signing it.
  24. This Agreement has been prepared with two original copies; each party shall keep one copy of the said Agreement.

  25. In Witness Whereof the parties have put their signatures to this Leave & License Agreement on this day of



1. Signature:

Name: ....................

2. Mobile No:

Mobile No: ....................


1. Signature:

Name: ....................

2. Mobile No:

Mobile No: ....................
